Update 4.0.8

Fix: Error creating a new email campaign.

Fix: Default HTML Merge Expression attribute Merge Type to dynamic when not specified.

Fix: Correction to page base paths for new upgrades.

Update 4.0.7

New: Can now set the default dashboard URL under Configure Components.

Fix: Template.LastUpdatedOn not updated when pregenerated content updated.

Fix: User.LastUpdatedOn not updated when user logged in.

Update 4.0.6

New: The system will automatically detect if content such as menu items, pages, templates, etc. have changed since pregenerate content was created and if so regenerate.

Fix: Custom collection filenames such as shop for products was not using configuration settings.

Fix: Error when accessing filters on Items collection.

Update 4.0.5

New: The system will pregenerate content for templates replacing merge expressions marked as static. This will speed up page load for both web and email templates. Note: in the HTML editor, the merge expression attribute Merge Object Type has been replaced with Merge Type which can have the following values:

  • Static - pregenerated
  • Dynamic - generated everytime
  • Both - pregenerated for public, everytime for logged in users

Fix: Group base paths and pages/blog posts/etc of groups.

Update 4.0.4

Fix: Error after setting HTTPS Everywhere in Configure Website.

Update 4.0.3

New: User's can now log back to their remembered account if logged out or logged in as someone else. A new menu item to do this has been created under Logout.

Update 4.0.2

Fix: Improvements made to Item.Attachments and permissions.

Update 4.0.1

New: You can now set the Website Temporarily Unavailable. To do this go to Configure URLs and set Website Temporarily Unavailable Page Name. Logged in administrator's will still be able to access as normal.

Fix: The website under construction page will only show when a user is not logged in and no path passed in the URL.

Fix: Missing static files such as images, scripts and videos will now return standard file not found response.